Composite Burn Index Photo Series


The Composite Burn Index (CBI) has been widely used to assess the on the ground burn severity fo many locations within the conterminous United States. Depending on the site's vegetation and how it burned, the same CBI value can visually look very different between sites. To illustrate these visual differences, several regional CBI photo series were developed: 

Note: The dimensions of these downloadable PDFs are 22 x 17 inches.

California - Yosemite National Park, Mixed Conifer Forest: Link

California - Southern Sierra Mountains, Sequoia National Forest, Chaparral/Open Conifer Forest: Link

Central - South Dakota, Jewel Cave National Monument, Wind Cave National Park, and Black Hills National Forest, Ponderosa Pine Forest: Link

Northern Rockies - Glacier National Park, Conifer Forest: Link

Rockies - Grand Teton National Park, Sagebrush/Grasslands: Link

Southeast - Virginia, Shenandoah National Park, Deciduous/Conifer Forest: Link

Southwest - Grand Canyon National Park, Mixed Conifer Forest: Link

Southwest - New Mexico, Bandelier National Monument and Santa Fe National Forest, Ponderosa Pine/Mixed Conifer Forest: Link

Southwest - Utah, Dixie National Forest and DInosaur National Monument, PiƱon/Juniper/Sage Communities: Link
